

英国王室 エリザベス女王2世

Commonwealth realm Elizabeth II


I thanked the respect I received your letter on April 13, 2012

I pray for the success of the project has been planted overseas that you and your organization, please write your letter was cordially struggling.


カナダ政府(Government of Canada)首相 スティーブン ハーパー

Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Joseph Harper

Thank you for writing to the Prime Minister. In your e-mail, you raised an issue that falls within the portfolio of the Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resources.

Please be assured that your comments have been carefully noted. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your e-mail to Minister Oliver. I am certain that the Minister will wish to give your views every consideration.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.

Executive Correspondence Officer for the Prime Minister's Office


カナダ政府(Government of Canada)天然資源大臣 ジョー・オリヴァー

Minister of Natural Resources Joe Oliver

Thank you for your email of June 17, 2012, to the Prime Minister of Canada, regarding the Caravan World for Environmental Conservation.

I would first like to offer my heartfelt sympathy to you and others affected by the tragic 2011 Tohoku earthquake.

As you note in your letter, Canada holds about 10 percent of the world’s forests, which provide numerous benefits to all Canadians. Forests moderate climate, improve air quality, provide habitat for wildlife, and protect the soil from erosion, among many other things. The Government of Canada is committed to protecting this precious resource.

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has undertaken many initiatives to ensure that the trees and forests of Canada continue to thrive. For example, the Canadian Forest Service of NRCan supports research that identifies and helps implement best practices in tree planting and sustainable forest management across Canada. As well, our department has published and distributed a free guide entitled “Tree Planting for Urban Residents” that deals specifically with urban forestry issues.

Once again, thank you for waiting; I wish success in your efforts to plant trees across educational institutions in Japan and around the world.

栃木県知事 福田富一


栃木県では、「とちぎ環境立県戦略」を策定し、地中環境の保全のため、「地球と人にやさしい“エコとちぎ”づくり」に取り組んでいます。 豊かな“とちぎ”の環境が将来の世代に引き継がれるためにも、貴団体の取り組んでいる「どんぐりから苗木1本、県民運動」をはじめとする 環境保全活動の輪が、大きく広がっていくことを期待いたします。

From Environmentally-Friendly Tochigi to the World

To:Lifelong Learning Committee,Tochigi NPO

Tochigi Prefecture has a program entitled “Eco-Tochigi”Which involves efforts to preserve the environment and create an environmentally-conscious community.Tochigi's beautiful natural environment Will de passed on to future generations, and we hope your“Seedling from an Acorn Citizen's Campaign”and other activities see great success and expansion.

Tochigi Prefecture Governor,Tomiikazu Fukuda

とちぎの子ども育成憲章実践事例 『どんぐりから苗木1本県民運動』

栃木県では、これまで、青少年の健全育成を図るため、「栃木県青少年健全育成条例」や「青少年プラン」に基づき、「家庭の日」の取組など、各種施策を推進してきました。 しかし、今日、地域や家庭の教育力の低下が問題視されていることから、大人が子どもを育てる役割と責任を果たしていくための具体的な指針を分かりやすく示し、取り組んでいくことが必要です。 そこで、心豊かでたくましい青少年を育んでいくために、大人の自覚と行動をより一層促し、子どもを健全に育てていく基本理念や大人の行動指針として、平成22年2月に「とちぎの子ども育成憲章」を制定しました。 貴団体が考案された「どんぐりから苗木1本県民運動」は、「とちぎの子ども育成憲章」実践事例として県のHPでも紹介しております。

宇都宮市長 佐藤栄一


国内外での地道な活動が認められ、英国女王からの手紙を受けられましたことを、心よりお喜び申し上げます。 国境を越えた素晴らしい活動を今後も継続され、貴会がますます輝かれることをお祈りいたします。


Let me congratulate you on your continuing efforts in the actions to save the environment, domestically and internationally, and receiving the letter from Her Majesty regarding your actions. I hope you will continue this practice. My best wishes for the future prosperity of your association.

Mayor of Utsunomiya City, Eiichi SATO

日光市長 斎藤文夫


環境保全をテーマにこれからの時代を担う青少年の育成活動を推進する『県民どんぐり一本運動』は非常にすばらしい活動であります。 今後も多くの方がこの運動に参加され、社会に貢献する人材育成につながることを期待いたします。

Comments about “Kenmin Donguri Ippon Undo”

“Kenmin Donguri Ippon Undo” is a great activity, which promotes activities to train young people who take the central role in future under the theme of environmental protection. I would expect many people will continue to participate in this activity and it will lead to the training of people who can contribute to the society.

Mayor of Nikko City,fumio SAITOU

株式会社 板通 取締役会長
栃木県経済同友会 筆頭代表理事 板橋 敏雄


ふるさと栃木から全世界に、そして今生きる私たちから、次世代の子供たちに、 是非こうした活動をつなげていただくことを期待いたします。

Environmentally-Friendly: From Tochigi to the World

To: Lifelong Learning Committee, Tochigi NPO

People all over the world are now facing a major crisis: global warming. We greatly respect your organization’s tree-planting activities across the world, and continuing it from our current generation onto future generations ahead of us.

Tochigi Association of Corporate Executives Itatsu Co., Ltd.

Chairman of board of directors Toshio ITABASHI

株式会社 栃木銀行 代表取締役会長
栃木県経済同友会 代表理事 小林辰興


環境保全運動としての「どんぐりから苗木1本県民運動」は、当行が行っております「すぎみらいプロジェクト」をはじめ、県土緑化を目的に創設された「マロニエ緑化基金」や「日光杉並木オーナー制度」への 取組などと通ずるものがあり、非常に共感がもてる運動であります。今後ますますの運動の発展と環境保全を中心とした、地域貢献活動を期待いたします。

“Citizens Of One Young Plant Exercise From an Acorn”

There are the actions to “horse chestnut tree tree planting fund”and “Nikko Suginamiki owner system”founded for the purpose of prefecture soil tree planting including  “the Sugimirai project”that our Bank performs as for “ Citizens Of One Young Plant exercise by an Acorn”as the environmental conservation campaign and a thing knowing it and is the exercise that  sympathy can have very much.I will expect local contribution activity mainly on development and the environmental conser vation of more and more exercise in future.

Representative director of Association of Corporate Executives, Tochigi Prefecture

Tochigi Bank, Ltd., Inc. Chairman and CEO tatuoki KOBAYASHI

株式会社 足利銀行 頭取
栃木県経済同友会 理事 藤澤 智


環境保全運動としての「どんぐりから苗木1本県民運動」は、当行が行っております足利銀行では「環境保全」をCSR(企業の社会的責任)の重点分野と位置付け、 「あしぎんの森」づくり(矢板市、県民の森内)や足尾での植樹等、地域の森林を守るための活動を展開しています。貴研究会の「どんぐりから苗木一本、県民運動」は、とてもすばらしい活動であり、こうした取組みが、 地域の豊かな森林資源や自然環境を守り、より良く次の世代へと引き継いでいくことにつながればと祈念しております。

“Forest Protection Activities to be passed on to the next generation”

Ashikaga Bank places “Environmental Protection” as the key subject in our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Activities and pursues activities that help protect the forest within the regional community such as “Developing Ashigin’s Forest” in Tochigi Prefecture’s Citizens’ Forest in Yaita city and Tree-planting activity for Ashio Mountains. We find your study group’s green protection activity (“Growing a seedling from an Acorn, civil movement throughout the Prefecture”) quite impressive and empathizing. We sincerely hope that this kind of activity helps protect the wealthy forest resources and natural environment of our community and is to be better succeeded to the next generation.

Director:Tochigi Association of Corporate Executives

President and Chief Executive Officer:The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. Satoshi FUJISAWA

国立大学法人 宇都宮大学 学長 進村武男


生態系の保護と子供達の生きる力の養成を目的として、循環型の植樹活動「どんぐりから苗木一本、県民運動」を提案され、 これまで活発な活動を展開され、海外にまで活動を進められていることに心から敬意を表します。今後、多くの青少年が貴研究会の活動に参加し、 環境保全とともに、人材の育成に貢献されることを大いに期待しています。

“A Seedling from an Acorn: A Campaign in Tochigi Prefecture”

To: NPO Tochigi Study Association of Lifelong Learning

I would like to express my respect for your active and global achievements such as this cyclic tree-planting activity "A Seedling from an Acorn: A Campaign in Tochigi Prefecture" which was proposed to protect an ecosystem and foster in children a zest for life. I strongly hope that more young people will continue to participate in your activities and that, in addition to contributing to environmental conservation, their participation will improve human resource development.

Utsunomiya University President  takeo SHINMURA

学校法人 船田教育会/作新学院 理事長/学院長
元衆議院議員/元経済企画庁長官 船田 元


私達作新大学は、幼稚園生から高校生に至るまで、ペットボトルキャップの回収や植林活動などの「エコプロジェクト」を展開中です。 どんぐりから森を再生する貴研究会の活動と私たちは連携して、地球の未来を切り開いていきたいと思います。

Our Eco-Project

To: NPO Tochigi Study Association of Lifelong Learning

We at Sakushin-gakuin, have asked kindergarteners to high school students to participate in recycling of the plastic bottles and planting trees. We share the ideas and work in cooperation to achieve the same goal by planting trees from seeds, until the forests take root on their own and return its beauty on their own in the original ground to solve global issues.

President of Sakushin-gakuin  Hajime FUNADA

NHK宇都宮放送局 局長 北出 幸一


NHKでは、放送やイベントで環境問題を重点的に取り上げるとともに、自ら排出するCO2の削減に取り組んでいます。 世界に誇ることが出来る素晴らしい環境を次の世代に引き継いでゆくため、貴研究会の活動が益々盛んになってゆくことを期待しています。

『To succeed splendid environment to the next generation』

Japan Broadcasting Coporation makes importance on broadcasting programs and holdings events on environmental issues and we also work on reduction of CO2 exhaustion by ourselves.
I expect your study group will be successful in investigating the environmental issue for the future of the next generation.

Japan Broadcasting Coporation Head of Utsunomiya Station
Kouichi KITADE

ノーザン・ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学  学長 ジョージ岩間

Dear Noriyuki Shibata,

Thank you for your letter of September 18th, 2012, requesting our university, UNBC, participate in a tree-planting project. I appreciate the long and comprehensive nature of your letter. We would be delighted to consider this. I am copying my assistant, Anne Rushton, and our Green Centre coordinator Mr. Palazuelos. I will pass your letter and proposal along to Mr. Palazuelos for his consideration and recommendation. I will ask him to respond to you directly.
Best wishes in your efforts to sustain our planet with good practices. I send my support and personal encouragement.
Best wishes,


President and Vice-Chancellor University of Northern British Columbia
George Iwama

▼私たちもチャレンジ25に参加しています。 ▼"MOTTAINAI"に協力しています。 ▼「Fun to Share」に参加しています。
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